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Donor Recognition

partners in excellence - four women

We are grateful for the generosity of the Providence Day community, whose support has built an exceptional TK-12 educational experience. Gifts of all sizes are gratefully received, well-utilized and acknowledged in the Report on Philanthropy published annually in the fall.  Gifts of $100 or more will be recognized in the donor recognition levels below:

1970 Society

Providence Day was founded in 1970, beginning with 12 families and growing into a student body of more than 1,900 today, and is known for academic excellence. The 1970 Society recognizes those donors who give $1,500 or more to the school in the current fiscal year.

$50,000+: Inspiration Circle
$25,000-$49,999: Chargers Circle
$10,000-$24,999: Innovators Circle
$5,000-$9,999: Head of School’s Circle
$1,500-$4,999: Clock Tower Circle

Giving Clubs

$500-$1,499: Educators Club
$250-$499: Faculty Club
$100-$249: Century Club

Cornerstone Society

The Cornerstone Society recognizes those donors whose support has made a significant impact in the advancement of the school and its mission through cumulative lifetime giving of $1,000,000 or more, $500,000, and $100,000. Collectively, members of the Cornerstone Society have given more than $40 million to impact teaching and learning at Providence Day.

Heritage Society

The Heritage Society recognizes those members of the PD community who have included Providence Day in their estate plans. Examples of this would include life insurance policies, bequests, and real estate. Typically these gifts are directed towards endowment by the donor to secure the future of Providence Day for generations to come.

Young Alumni Giving Society

The Young Alumni Giving Society was established in 2014 and recognizes the philanthropic generosity of our youngest alumni. Members of the Young Alumni Giving Society are recognized at the following levels:

  • 1-4 years after graduation, gift of any amount
  • 5-9 years after graduation, gift of $100 or more
  • 10-15 years after graduation, gift of $1,000 or more


Donor Recognition Events

Partners In Excellence Dinner

Fall recognition event for:
  • Donors giving $5,000 or more
  • Induction of new Cornerstone Society members (cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000 or more)
    Invitation based on previous fiscal year giving

Clock Tower Reception

Spring recognition event for:
  • Donors giving between $1,500-$4,999
  • Members of the Young Alumni Giving Society
  • Faculty and staff with ten or more years of consecutive giving
    Invitation based on current fiscal year giving