Extended Day
Hours of Operation:
Extended Day is open 1 - 6 p.m. Contact Us: Extended Day General Mailbox |
The Extended Day Program is pleased to offer a wide array of enriching programs ~ some old favorites and some new opportunities ~ to excite young minds, inspire creative expression and build strong bodies! The programs are grouped into three areas: Sports, Stem & Art. Enrichment classes are held each semester. These classes are taught by instructors who are professionals in their respective fields.
Questions? Contact Stefanie Nicholson, Enrichment Programs Coordinator, at stefanie.nicholson@providenceday.org.
Activity Days
Whenever Lower School is closed for a teacher workday, parent teacher conferences and most school holidays, the Extended Day Program is open. We center each day around a fun activity or special theme.
Our hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., with the following exceptions: Parent teacher conferences we open at 7:15 a.m. to accommodate early conference times.
- what types of enrichment activities are offered?
- Who teaches the enrichment activities?
- how many activities can my child participate in?
- They have an older sibling at PD and may only need to stay a couple of hours until the older sibling gets out of school. Is this possible?
- What are the hours for Extended Day?
- Are snacks served or do I need to pack a snack?
- Can my child work on their homework at Extended Day?
- Is Extended Day available during the summer?
- My main concern is for the safety of my child. Is your staff trained? Do you have an emergency plan?
- What if my child gets sick or hurt? What is your protocol?
- What are the behavioral expectations and what are your discipline policies?
- Registration & Billing
- Schedules & Fees
- Health & Safety
what types of enrichment activities are offered?
Enrichment Classes (past and present):
Art, ASL (American Sign Language), basketball, Capoeira, cheer, chess, dance, finance & investment, Girls on the Run, golf, guitar, karate, lacrosse, Let Me Run, OT Fun (Occupational Therapy), piano, science, soccer, tennis, theater, ukulele, volleyball, Wildlife Wonders, woodworking, wrestling, yoga, YOLA (Yoga-Language), Zumba
Who teaches the enrichment activities?
how many activities can my child participate in?
They have an older sibling at PD and may only need to stay a couple of hours until the older sibling gets out of school. Is this possible?
What are the hours for Extended Day?
Are snacks served or do I need to pack a snack?
Can my child work on their homework at Extended Day?
Is Extended Day available during the summer?
No, Extended Day opens on the first day of school and closes on the last day of school. Summer Programs has options for working parents.
My main concern is for the safety of my child. Is your staff trained? Do you have an emergency plan?
What if my child gets sick or hurt? What is your protocol?
The Extended Day registered nurse is on duty at the house daily and provides the best care from simple TLC, to the most serious injuries. All of your children's health information is available to the Extended Day RN (using the Magnus system) and all care given is charted daily within this confidential system. Additionally, all of the Extended Day teachers are certified in first aid, CPR, and AED. All COVID health protocols are practiced and managed by our team as well.
What are the behavioral expectations and what are your discipline policies?
While the Extended Day environment is different from the classroom, it is an extension of the school day. We adhere to the same community expectations of the classroom, to provide a consistent message of support for the children.
We discipline with dignity, knowing that the trusting and respectful relationship already established between the student and the teacher allows for teachable moments. Oftentimes, discipline simply requires redirection, reminders and once in a while, time to come apart from the group to reflect. If a child is struggling, much more work goes on behind the scenes to support the child's social and emotional development.
- Teachers bring their concerns to the Grade Level Team Leader, Extended Day Counselor, Extended Day Associate Director, and/or Extended Day Director for guidance.
- The Extended Day teacher may consult with the classroom teacher.
- If the concern is more than simple child's play, the Extended Day Director or Counselor contacts the parent so that we can partner with you to provide the best possible support for your child.
- In addition, the Lower School Counselor, Extended Day Counselor, and Director of Extended Day meet often to discuss any student concerns so we can provide the best possible support to students who may be struggling, Partnership between the child, parent, the Extended Day Program, and the classroom teacher provides the best possible support system.
Registration & Billing
Parents may register their children for a weekly schedule based on 1 to 5 days a week. A scheduled fee is then charged on a monthly basis.
Please inform Extended Day and the classroom teacher with any schedule changes pds.extendedday@providenceday.org or 704-887-6058.
Activity Days
When school is not in session, Extended Day is often open. This applies to all teacher workdays and most school holidays. Parents of registered monthly students must also sign up to allow for proper planning.
Enrichment Classes
A separate fee is charged for semester enrichment classes. The fee for the semester of classes will be reflected on your Extended Day bill. Students will be charged a pro-rated fee if they withdraw after one class and the full fee after two classes. Enrichment students must be enrolled in the Extended Day Program.
Late Pick-up Fee
A late fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m. will be charged to your monthly bill.
Schedules & Fees
Health & Safety
Be Safe. Be Healthy.
We take our responsibility for the health and safety of your children very seriously and always welcome any suggestions you may have. These guidelines are followed on a daily basis to ensure the safety of your children while they are entrusted to our care.
We recognize that students with severe or life-threatening allergies need a safe, inclusive environment at Extended Day. In keeping with school policy, we ask that PD community members follow these avoidance strategies.
Extended Day will not serve food containing peanut or tree nut products.
The Extended Day nurse will review food content to make sure that children with other food allergies (soy, dairy, etc.) are not exposed.
Extended Day will not permit students to consume snacks brought from home that contain tree nut or peanut products.
Extended Day will encourage children not to share snacks.
Special Health Needs and Medications
The Extended Day nurse reviews your children’s special health needs and medication information obtained from each child’s Magnus Form. Information is shared with your child’s Extended Day teacher, to ensure that they are prepared to care for your child at Extended Day.
Parents must give the Extended Day Program written permission to dispense any medication to your child. Please send medications to Extended Day in the original container labeled with your child’s name, the doctor’s name, prescription number and current dosage. All medications are locked up in the Extended Day nurse’s office. Our nurse will record dispensing information in a confidential daily log.
Illness and Medical Treatment
If your child becomes sick at Extended Day, the Extended Day nurse will care for him or her in the Extended Day “Get Well Room” to provide a quiet and private setting, and to minimize exposing other children in the program. The nurse will call parents and request that their child be picked up immediately. Children must be fever-free without medication for a full 24 hours before returning to the program.
Before the school year begins, the Extended Day teachers complete the Adult/Child CPR, AED, and First Aid certification.
Please be prepared and review your health insurance policy to know where you should take your child in case of an injury. An Incident Report is completed for every injury requiring outside medical care.
Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Teachers and students are required to follow all safety guidelines, whether on a field trip, the playground, or simply walking across campus. In the event of a more serious event, such as fire, inclement weather, or crisis on or off campus, Extended Day teachers are trained to follow the PDS Emergency Operations Plan. (Please note that the Extended Day Program follows the school's inclement weather policy. This includes school closings as well as the Perry Weather System.) In the event of a school closing or school emergency, PDS will activate the AlertNow system to contact all parents on their home and cell phone numbers.
Questions? For any questions or concerns, please contact Lynn Mayhew, Extended Day Director, at 704-887-6058 or lynn.mayhew@providenceday.org.