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Alumni Association

Lucy Drinkwater head shot

As the Director of Alumni Relations, it gives me great pleasure to serve our alumni in a variety of ways. It is my goal to keep you connected and foster lifelong relationships. This can be accomplished in numerous ways from welcoming you back to campus, to meeting you at special events and programs, and to cultivating future alumni in our current students.

To make all of this easier, we welcome you to our alumni-only online platform, PD Connect!  This network is a one-stop shop for everything alumni-related providing resources such as an alumni directory, upcoming events, job and internship opportunities, finding/becoming a mentor, alumni news, and much more! This is exclusive for our alumni so make sure to register for free at and start using PD Connect today!

We also want you to know that the Providence Day 'Charchives' - the official school archives, located in Thompson-Jones Library - seek donations of memorabilia to document the school's history. Needs include concert programs, theatre programs, photos from class trips, prom memorabilia, DVDs, and graduation programs. No yearbooks, please. Email Charchivist Bobbie Hinson at to find out how to donate!

We are excited to offer all of these resources and we hope you take advantage of them as alumni. If you have any questions or need more information about alumni happenings at PD, feel free to contact me and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Go Chargers!

Lucy Drinkwater
Director of Alumni Relations
(704) 887-6001

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